That every child needs access to healthy choices, meaningful programming, strong role models, and robust community/family support to thrive.
Our six program pillars ensure that youth graduate from high school with the skills and confidence needed to navigate college and embark on successful careers!
For Oakland Genesis, soccer is a tool to empower, educate, and inspire Oakland's leaders of tomorrow. The core of our mission is inclusivity. We deliver cost-free youth development programming to Oakland youth from underserved communities, channeling their passion for soccer into personal growth, educational achievement and life success.
Oakland Genesis is a 501c3 non-profit organization (tax id: 84-3666972) that provides youth from underserved communities, ages 9-18, with free transportation, academic support, mentorship, nutrition, and professional soccer coaching.
This report offers a glimpse into the programming that upholds our youth development mission. You will learn about the collective academic achievements of our Academy students; you will hear from our high school graduates about how our college counseling gave them the edge they needed; you will find an in-depth video illustrating a day in the life of Oakland Genesis student-athletes; and you will hear from parents and mentors about how meaningful the program has been in their lives.
Steph Visits OG!
Oakland Genesis got a surprise visit from Bay Area sports royalty when NBA superstar Stephen Curry dropped by our practice one afternoon! Thanks to our incredible partnership with Curry’s foundation, Eat. Learn. Play., Steph not only delivered healthy food, school supplies, books, and clothes but also took the time to jump on the field and show the team his (impressive) footie skills. It was truly a once-in-an-OG-lifetime experience. Catch a glimpse of ABC's coverage of this day on the right hear and hear what it means to Steph to support Oakland Genesis.
I see myself in these kids and I hope that when I come out to play they are able to imagine themselves achieving their dreams one day too. Too often, kids from the area of East Oakland where I grew up and where Oakland Genesis operates think that these opportunities are not available to them. Oakland Genesis is empowering these kids to dream like I did."
- Jonny Orozco (Professional Soccer Player)

The Badge
Designed by Oakland local, Greg Wright, the OGSC badge features the official bird of Oakland, the Black Crowned Night Heron. A mainstay of Lake Merritt, the Night Heron flies toward the sky to symbolize the trajectory of our players’ development as people, students, and athletes.